SteelSlicer™ Metal Circular Saw Blade, 5/8 in dia Arbor, 42 Teeth, 8 in dia Blade, 5 EA/PK


Product Description

Use with cordless and corded tools for superior performance and maximum versatility. Laser cut vibration slots provide accurate cuts. Modified Alternate Tooth Bevel (ATB) provides cool, clean cuts. Active Shield™ protective blade coating protects against gumming and corrosion. Heat Defense™ premium cermet teeth provide 20x blade life. Active Shield™ protective blade coating allows for 40% cooler cuts. Heat-treated cermet teeth brazing provides long tool life. Options available for medium metal (CSBMM), thick metal (CSBMK), and thin metal (CSBMN).


ApplicableMaterials Angle Iron; Steel; Threaded Rod; Unistrut
ArborDiamNom 5/8 in
BladeDiam 8 in
Coating Active Shield™ Protective Blade Coating
CuttingEdgeMaterial Heat Defense™ Premium Cermet Teeth
Grind Alternate Tooth Bevel (ATB)
NoofTeeth 42
PackingType Pack
Quantity 5 EA/PK
SKUGroupAuto-ID 219569
Type SteelSlicer™ Metal Circular Saw Blade
UsedWith Metal Hand Saw

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