F240 AO Coated Fiber Disc, 5 in x 7/8 in, 50 Grit, Center Mount


Product Description

Versatile, multi-purpose aluminum oxide abrasive provides consistent performance on numerous materials and small jobs. Heavier fiber backing for additional strength and tear resistance. Full resin bond for strength and durability.


AbrasiveMaterial Aluminum Oxide
AbrasiveTradeName F240
ApplicableMaterials Alloys; Aluminum; Brass; Bronze; Carbon Steel; Cast Iron; Stainless Steel; Titanium
Applications Clean and Detail; Rust Removal
BodyMaterial Fiber
Bond Resin
DiaNom 5 in
Grit 50
Mounting Center Mount
RoughnessGrade Coarse
SKUGroupAuto-ID 402694
Type Coated
UsedWith Right Angle Grinders; Pistol Grip Air Sanders
SpeedMax 10000 rpm

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