Delta™ Cross Over Climbing Harness, Back & Front D-Rings, PassThru Buckle, Universal


Product Description

No tangle design. Rip stitch impact indicators allow you to inspect the harness at a glance, for prior damaging impact loads. A Velcro® cover protects harness labels and holds an i-Safe™ identification tag for recording and storing information on inspections. Repel™ webbing repeals water to reduce attraction of mold and dirt – also has more abrasion resistance. Built in lanyard keepers hold your unused snap hooks and help reduce trip hazards. Revolver™ vertical torso adjusters allow simple and fast adjustment, eliminates loose ends, locks into place preventing slippage and completes 5-point adjustment system.


Color Yellow/Navy
ConnectionType Front & Back D-Rings
FasteningMethod Pass-Thru Buckle Legs
HeightNom 13 1/2 in
LoadCapMax 420 lb
Material Repel Webbing
SizeGroup Universal
SKUGroupAuto-ID 212043
StrapMaterial Polyester
Style Cross Over
Wt 2 1/2 lb
LengthNom 1-1/2 in
Type Climbing Harness
WidthNom 8-1/2 in

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